COVER REVEAL: Teeth of the Wolf

Teeth of the Wolf Cover Reveal Teeth of the Wolf, the second book in The Path of Ra series by award-winning authors Dan Rabarts and Lee Murray, will be published internationally in e-book and print on October 4, 2018 from Raw Dog Screaming Press! Let’s have a peek at the thrilling cover, which sets the […]

All Saints

All Saints Launch, or: Getting to Know Jason Jack “Please have a sweet Valentine’s Day, and show Jason’s book some love by sharing All Saints online, or ordering a copy for someone you care about.” When I attended the Western Maryland Small Press Festival in autumn 2011 I had no idea how significantly that one […]

Cover Reveal: Poems of My Night

Coming September 15 Poems of My Night by Cynthia Pelayo is now available for pre-order here! “These poems are cautionary tales for those who choose not to cover their eyes, warnings for those who refuse to find the light.” Urban Poetry from Beyond the Veil Cynthia Pelayo constructs a narrative in her poetry in response […]

Snowed Cover Reveal

Author: Maria Alexander Artist: Daniele Serra About the Book Charity Jones is a 16-year-old engineering genius who’s much-bullied for being biracial and a skeptic at her conservative school in Oak County, California. Everything changes when Charity’s social worker mother brings home a sweet teen runaway named Aidan to foster for the holidays. Matched in every […]

City Ash and Desert Bones Cover Reveal

Author: Laurel Myler Artist: Bradley Sharp From the back cover of City Ash and Desert Bones: 300 years in the future the world is run by the Theocracy and the Apostles are their representatives. The tiny, dusty and ironically named town of Big City has never seen Apostles until the newly deputized team, […]

Cover Reveal: Andy Deane’s All the Darkness in the World

  The Darkness Revealed Daniele Serra’s magnificent representation of the evil smoldering in the darkness of a small town is the perfect match for Andy Deane’s slow burning vampire apocalypse. Coming October 24th • pre-order now All the Darkness in the World will debut at DogCon (free and open to the public) in Philadelphia on […]

The Underside of the Rainbow Cover Reveal

Unveiling the Rainbow Artist Steven Archer has created a raw, textured cover to match B.E. Burkhead’s gritty, and unapologetic realism. In this poetry collection Burkhead shows readers what happens when they take off their rose-colored glasses and look at the world around them. Instead of fields of freshly grown flowers, he writes of alleys with […]