newyears13 Highlights from RDSP’s 10th Year

  1. Dog Star Books, our sci-fi imprint, was successfully launched
  2. Despite all odds (the original venue fell through) DogCon 2 was a smashing success
  3. Odd Men Out by Matt Betts received a starred review in Booklist and was reviewed in all 3 big review venues (Library Journal, Publishers WeeklyBooklist)
  4. RDSP was mentioned in The Hollywood Reporter
  5. We were featured guests at the Penn Writers annual conference
  6. RDSP did its first ever bookstore hop which included 5 separate signings in one day
  7. Fangoria featured RDSP
  8. Hellbender by Jason Jack Miller was nominated for the Appalachian Writers Award
  9. Our record for most sales at an event was broken during just 2 hours at the SHU author signing
  10. We had a poetry reading in an asylum featuring Stephanie Wytovich, Michael Arnzen and John Edward Lawson
  11. The kickstarter we participated in to fund Michael Arnzen’s Fridge of the Damned poetry magnets along with Nathan Rosen was fully funded
  12. Matthew Warner gave an excellent talk on Urban Fantasy at Stone Soup Books
  13. We celebrated the end of our 10th year with a holiday party on the mezzanine of the beautiful Uniontown State Theatre