WHC part 2 – Staying Hungry

One of the best things that came out of WHC was that 4 bookstores were interested in stocking our books. John spoke with Borderlands Books in San Francisco and gave them a copy of 100 Jolts. They said they would contact us once they got back so we hope to hear from them soon. Del […]

Con recovery

Well I was going to write more about WHC but I’ve been so busy with follow-up for the con that I can’t keep track of my own nose. I’ve posted a con report and pictures here. But my favorite is this one which is also on the front page: And before you ask, yes I […]

WHC – Part I

Got back from WHC pretty late last night. What in the world made me think I could show up to work bright and early Monday morning? The con was fabulous and exhausting. We still have to total up everything and I know there won’t be a profit due to the cost of the trip but […]

A Blessing & a Curse

Just got word that Mike Arnzen will be reading at WHC on Thursday afternoon so that’s a blessing. The curse of it is that the copies we ordered for 100 Jolts won’t arrive until Friday! Luckily Mike has agreed to bring some copies with him and we’re going to jam a few more books in […]

Road Kill

We finally heard back from the programming guy for WHC and John WILL be doing a reading Saturday 10:00-10:30 am. I think he plans on doing a bit out of the new Psych Noir chapbook along with some dark poetry. He’ll also be representing RDSP on the Small Press Nuts and Bolts panel Friday afternoon […]

RDSP meets Mr. Stoker and his awards

Well, we’ve received some good news. Final nominees for the Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in Horror are posted. You can check out the details by going to http://www.horror.org/stokerballots.htm Several RDSP authors have been shortlisted for this award, including: + Monstrocity by Jeffrey Thomas (Prime Books) for First Novel + Gorelets: Unpleasant Poems by […]

Beautiful to behold

Although the printer really put us through a grinder over Bare Bone #5the final product is quite magnificent. The cover is beautiful to behold and all the extra work Donihe did on the layout really paid off in improved readability for the interior. The planning for WHC continues but it’s been very frustrating dealing with […]

Cool Stuff

A Dirge for the Temporal is on the Shocklines advance orders bestseller list this week! Plans are being made for WHC. The 100 Jolts debut will be Saturday afternoon and RDSP will be hosting a party in the hospitality suite on Saturday evening. Arnzen sent another great review for 100 Jolts. I never get tired […]

Dog days

Seems like everything is odds and ends these days. I’ve been putting on the final touches for the April issue of The Dream People. Arnzen even sent some new flash to be included which is cool because I figured we’d just have to link to some samples from 100 Jolts. Had a few short conversations […]


Finally they say the proof has gone out for Bare Bone #5. My fingers are crossed that Kevin won’t find anything wrong with it and we’ll be able to put in an order for the books soon. John will be attending the Associated Writing Programs conference this week in Chicago. He’ll be showing the RDSP […]

AWP Report

posted by rdsp I invested the better part of a week on the Associated Writing Programs annual conference, held this year in Chicago. How did it go? Let’s say Chi-Town was good to the Raw Dog. I met many other publishers, editors, and authors, plus a slew of the professors and graduate students who embody […]

Dark Realms

I just found out that my article on Gypsy magic is going to published in Dark Realms issue #14. It’s been a bit of a wait but I’m really psyched that it’s going to see print after all. Also we’ll have plenty of Dark Realms magazines with us to sell at WHC and a cool […]

Mailing Your Media Kit

posted by rdsp Now that you are armed with a handy-dandy press release, it’s time to put it to use. Your promo package will include the following: —press release —product, often with a sticker reading PROMOTIONAL COPY and including publisher info and release date —something extra that stands out, such as bookmarks or a catalog […]

Good Dog

Well, I thought that last review for 100 Jolts was good but this one has them all beat. Trevor Dodge’s review has it all; a great take on Mike’s book, some very flattering comments on RDSP and all the hard boiled eggs and hot sauce you could possibly eat. Something must be going right because […]


I’ve been working hard on a trifold ‘catalog’ of RDSP titles for John to take with him to the AWP conference in March. For whatever reason I really dreaded trying to do a catalog. There’s only about 8 or so titles to include so it only takes up one sheet but it just seemed so […]

Designing Your Press Release

posted by rdsp As writers we should all be able to type out a great press release in no time flat. Right? Okay, so maybe it’s not the most fun in the world, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t exciting. What’s the difference, you ask? Fun = setting your own schedule, discovering the fate of […]

Boston Tea Party

February sales continue to be fairly good so that is heartening. It seems that everything we did to promote 15 Serial Killers way back when may finally be paying off. It’s hard to get used to the lag between promo work and and sales but since recent efforts have been concentrated on Sickcurrent sales must […]

How important are business cards?

Only big wigs need business cards, right? Don’t you only give them out at boardroom meetings? Don’t they have to be super-expensive in order to be of any use? As authors and editors business cards are as important for us as any other professionals. You can (and should!) give them out anywhere, anytime, because they […]


To tell the truth I haven’t been feeling well for a little over a week now. It’s really cut down on my productivity for everything from RDSP work to house work. I finally heard back from reallyscary.com and they are interested in doing some reviews of RDSP titles and featuring some of our authors. I’ve […]

Psych Noir

When we started RDSP we decided not to do any more chapbooks because anything we wanted to publish could be done in book format as an anthology. But there was one lingering project we could only do in chapbook format. It can’t be done through our book printer because the artwork is too detailed. Psych […]

I was happy to see our first e-book sale came through and it was for 15 Serial Killers. The ebook version hasn’t been out that long. The jury is still out on ebooks for me. It’s my impression that most people prefer physical books but a story collection like 15 Serial Killers is the ideal […]

A Blurb Delegation

Did some correspondence with authors and sent out some postcards about our books and other promo materials this weekend. One thing we’ve been working on is getting blurbs for A Dirge for the Temporal. I don’t know what it is but it’s like pulling teeth for me to ask strangers for the favor of a […]

Tin Lustre poetics

Last night John read poetry in an event sponsored by Tin Lustre Mobile at Arlington County Central library. Star and Andrew did an excellent job organizing the event and choosing the readers. It was a great experience, we met a lot of talented poets and got the chance to show off some RDSP wares. There’s […]

Attrition, or Is Time Really on Our Side?

I don’t know this for a fact but it seems to me that most people successful in the arts usually get there from sheer staying power. It’s nearly impossible to sprint to recognition and success. It’s always a marathon so it would be wise to pace yourself. All the emerging writers I come across, the […]

Warning High Voltage!

The proof for 100 Jolts came in the mail yesterday and it is electrifying. I couldn’t believe how great the colors came out. Seeing an actual book in print is so much different than dealing with the manuscript. The book is impossible to put down. Every time you open it up a story catches your […]