The whole story

I didn’t know if it would be worth it to go all the way to New York to spend just one night and travel back the next day but it definitely was. Too bad we weren’t able to be there for the whole weekend. We did make it to the huge signing where we got […]

Returning triumphant

Yep, we’re exhausted but the Stokers were a blast. It was especially exciting being there when Mike Arnzen won his second Stoker. I’ve updated the web site and posted some pictures from the event but the full report will have to wait until tomorrow. The trip back was extra long and exhausting because the bus […]

Road trip!!

Tomorrow we’ll be getting up bright and early to catch a bus to New York City. This is only my second time going to NYC and the first time we’ve attended the Stoker awards. I’m looking forward to seeing Mike Arnzen and Mark McLaughlin again, plus we’ll meet mysterious author J.M. Heluk for the first […]

Take the Raw Dog quiz

I’m always seeing these quizzes on people’s livejournals so I decided to make one of my own. It’s actually pretty fun but harder than it might seem to make an entertaining quiz. Here it is:

Last night I announced the Everybody Scream! special edition on the web site. I think it’s quite a striking book and hope that it will get a lot of notice. To my knowledge no one else is doing special editions like these. It’s actually a sculpted, 3-D face on the cover, not just a picture. […]

100 Jolts has received its first recommendation for a 2004 Stoker award. I would love to see Jolts get onto the final ballot. I really think it’s innovative in a genre that is often described as stagnant. Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Take for instance this review from someone who […]

Got the car back Wednesday and have been trying to catch up on all those things you need to have a car to do. I can’t believe the Stokers are next weekend! We better get our bus tickets soon. I hope the trip will be worth it even though we’ll only be staying one night. […]

Been working overtime on pulling The Dream People together. The pieces are all formatted now I’m just waiting for Vincent to send the art. It looks like D. Harlan Wilson will make it to our July 10th reading event at The Neptune Gallery. It will be cool to see him again! We are still car-less. […]

Judging a book by its (back) cover

Heard from Jeff Thomas who says he’s hoping to finish Everybody Scream! this weekend! He also sent along a blurb for the book, “Jeffrey Thomas has created an intricate and thoroughly engrossing world here, one that digs deep and lingers. Whether you’re a stranger to Punktown or a long time resident, this book will peel […]

Even without a car we still managed to get the review copies for A Dirgeoff to the few biggee review place that require copies at least 3 months before the book is released. Also it seems that the strategy of emailing people first may really pay off. Darren contacted two people who had blurbed his […]

They found it

I got a call at 2 am from the police saying the car had been found. Some little kids (that’s how he described them) were driving around D.C. in it. They bailed when the police showed up so they weren’t caught. They tell me it’s drivable but I don’t know much more about the condition […]

day dreaming

Someone volunteered to help out with my email campaign. It’s always great when people want to lend a hand. First because we always need help and second because it’s nice to think people want to be a part of RDSP. But the thing is you have to be extra organized to make use of people’s […]

Lately I’ve been working on the press release for A Dirge for the Temporal. Press releases are a pain in the neck to write. Thank god Darren is coming to Horrorfind otherwise I would have absolutely nothing to put in the release since you’re only supposed to put ‘news’ not flowery descriptions of the book. […]

We ordered our tickets for the HWA convention and the Bram Stoker award banquet yesterday. I’ve never been before so it should be a lot of fun. I wish we were able to go for the whole weekend but we just don’t have the funds for that. I’ve finally worked up a banner for RDSP […]

Chasing my own tail

Forgot to mention that I rearranged the RDSP site over the weekend. It doesn’t look too different but now that we’ve got more than a couple titles out I wanted to showcase the books more. In the good news category: 100 Jolts got onto the Shocklines bestseller list this week and it looks like […]

Yesterday we participated in a really cool event as part of the Bethesda Literary Festival. It was a poetry reading put on by the Lit Kicks literary community at the Gallery Neptune in downtown Bethesda, MD. The theme of the show at the gallery was Curious George and the icons of our youth. I thought […]

Horror-Web Chat

The chat last night went *really* well. A lot of people came by although we did hear from some people whose computers couldn’t handle the Java program so they couldn’t get in. I didn’t get to participate but I did read over John’s shoulder and it seemed like everyone was having a good time. It […]

3 Stokers to go, please

It’s pretty cool that three of the contributors from SICK are on the final ballot for the Stoker this year. Of course it would be even more cool to publish a book that was nominated for the Stoker but we’ll take whatever we can get! We bought an ad in the program to congratulate Michael […]


Things really seem to be taking off for the press. We’ve been working non-stop since WHC trying to take advantage of all the opportunities coming our way. All the basic details have been hammered out for a project with an award-winning editor though it will be awhile before we get a contract inked so I […]


OK, are you tired of hearing about cons yet? Well this wasn’t really a con but a book signing we went to on Saturday in Northern Virginia arranged by Matt Warner. We got there late but it looked like a very successful event including authors Brian Keene, F. Paul Wilson, Douglas Winter, L. Marie Wood, […]

The Art of the Con

posted by rdsp After participating in seven conferences/conventions in less than two years we have perfected our technique. Using the following methodical approach will maximize your exposure, profitability, and overall effectiveness at “cons.” – If you are a writer, editor, or other industry professional, the con is a business trip. That said, it only works […]

WHC part 3—pack mentality

There is no doubt in my mind that the best part of the con was being next to Dave Barnett from Necro Publications and Jeremy Lassen fromNightshade Books in the dealers room. Plus Matt Schwartz fromShocklines often stopped by. Not only are these guys extremely nice and helpful but they really know what they’re doing […]