
I knew before we ever got involved in this publishing thing that distribution and getting books into the stores was going to be difficult. But it really is frustrating. We’re trying to set up this event at Barnes & Noble but unfortunately they can’t order RDSP titles because the titles are either marked as POD […]


Mike Arnzen’s eye-opening article, “What Corrupted Me” is now up on It amazes me that Mike’s non-fiction is just as fascinating as his fiction. For example his essays in The Goreletter are filled with disgusting tangents and sick images but his point is always well argued and unique. He’s put a lot of thought […]

So much fun

We had so much fun at the Gallery Neptune reading/exhibit. First of all it was great to see D. Harlan Wilson again. We were lucky enough to meet up with him, his fiancee Christine and his sister Jane before the reading to eat dinner. Though we’d never me his sister or fiancee it was like […]

Inveterate Lurker

I’ve been trying to be more active on message boards lately partly as a means of spreading the Raw Dog word and partly just to keep up with who is doing what but sometimes it’s overwhelming. Plus I’m an inveterate lurker and don’t usually like to post. But I did post a giveaway on the […]

Increase Productivity!

I thought getting more work out the the RDSP duo would be like getting blood out of a stone…until I had the brilliant idea of getting another computer. Now John and I will be able to work side by side at all hours of the day, night & weekend. Maybe we can instant message each […]

Yesterday we received an excellent blurb from Gerard Houarner. Here’s part of what he said: “The Fall of Never is a dark, suspenseful descent into the wild heart of dream, where the primal power of the imagination can turn reality into nightmare.” Gerard Houarner, The Beast That Was Max, Road to Hell I’ve posted the […]

A day off

We took a short spontaneous vacation on Tuesday evening and Wednesday. It’s hard to plan getaways because we never know when we’re going to be busy so it worked well just to take off on the spur of the moment. One piece of news that has kept me happy for days is that we were […]

Psychological Horror

Ok, there’s a brand new Raw Dog quiz in town, What’s Your Psychological Horror Profile? This one was authored by the infamous Cake Earthhead. Check it out: Once you take the quiz don’t forget to post your results in your livejournal so the psychosis can spread!

Good vibrations

Things have been going pretty well lately and a really good feeling about the momentum of RDSP has been building for some time. We’ve got a lot of *very* promising potential titles for next year. The sales seem to be slowly building each month and I’m particularly surprised to see our early titles 15 Serial […]

Apparently Mike Arnzen was mobbed at his signing this past Thursday, which is great to hear. It sounds like his reading was hilarious as usual and I’m bummed that we couldn’t go, but it was way too far of a drive. Mike is always smart about readings and brings his own copies of the books. […]

New books, events, and retailers

New review in for 15 Serial Killers over at Horror-Web. It’s a thoughtful and honest response that pretty much sums up how many readers—either with an acedemic or genre background—seem to react when reading Jaffe’s book. You can view it at;action=display;num=1087711153 Efrem has completed editing of The Fall of Never. He’s got a keen […]

Look out for that…tidal wave

WHOOSH! That big crashing sound you just heard was the wave of interest that smashed over us in the past day and a half over the Everybody Scream! special edition. I can’t believe only a few days ago we were wondering if we’d be able to sell all 100 copies. Now they are almost all […]

Scream, then scream again

So we realized yesterday at the last minute that we need a dust jacket for the hardcover edition of Everybody Scream!. See I’d been concentrating so much on the special edition which needs to be a hardcover for the them to put the resin on to make the face. But that covers everything up so […]

Ahhhh freakout!

I nearly had a major freakout last night when I was looking over the printed pages of what we had completed so far for Everybody Scream! and realized the type was way too small. Changing the typeface would not only add plenty of pages to the book costing us a lot more money but the […]

*sizzle* John (rdsp) has really been burning up the livejournal lately. He’s been adding people left and right and posting to his own journal plus commenting on other people’s. LJ is a pretty huge community but I’ve never been good at stirring things up the way he is. I read a lot of people’s journals […]

Phew! Things are busy, busy, busy. We finally have the edited manuscript for Everybody Scream!!!!! Jeff sent it while we were away at the Stokers. I’ve been so desperate to get my hands on that file that they’ve been itching. So even though I was still exhausted from the trip I spent last evening working […]

The whole story

I didn’t know if it would be worth it to go all the way to New York to spend just one night and travel back the next day but it definitely was. Too bad we weren’t able to be there for the whole weekend. We did make it to the huge signing where we got […]

Returning triumphant

Yep, we’re exhausted but the Stokers were a blast. It was especially exciting being there when Mike Arnzen won his second Stoker. I’ve updated the web site and posted some pictures from the event but the full report will have to wait until tomorrow. The trip back was extra long and exhausting because the bus […]

Road trip!!

Tomorrow we’ll be getting up bright and early to catch a bus to New York City. This is only my second time going to NYC and the first time we’ve attended the Stoker awards. I’m looking forward to seeing Mike Arnzen and Mark McLaughlin again, plus we’ll meet mysterious author J.M. Heluk for the first […]

Take the Raw Dog quiz

I’m always seeing these quizzes on people’s livejournals so I decided to make one of my own. It’s actually pretty fun but harder than it might seem to make an entertaining quiz. Here it is:

Last night I announced the Everybody Scream! special edition on the web site. I think it’s quite a striking book and hope that it will get a lot of notice. To my knowledge no one else is doing special editions like these. It’s actually a sculpted, 3-D face on the cover, not just a picture. […]

100 Jolts has received its first recommendation for a 2004 Stoker award. I would love to see Jolts get onto the final ballot. I really think it’s innovative in a genre that is often described as stagnant. Apparently I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Take for instance this review from someone who […]

Got the car back Wednesday and have been trying to catch up on all those things you need to have a car to do. I can’t believe the Stokers are next weekend! We better get our bus tickets soon. I hope the trip will be worth it even though we’ll only be staying one night. […]

Been working overtime on pulling The Dream People together. The pieces are all formatted now I’m just waiting for Vincent to send the art. It looks like D. Harlan Wilson will make it to our July 10th reading event at The Neptune Gallery. It will be cool to see him again! We are still car-less. […]

Judging a book by its (back) cover

Heard from Jeff Thomas who says he’s hoping to finish Everybody Scream! this weekend! He also sent along a blurb for the book, “Jeffrey Thomas has created an intricate and thoroughly engrossing world here, one that digs deep and lingers. Whether you’re a stranger to Punktown or a long time resident, this book will peel […]